November 12, 2008 Telecommunications Commission hereby gives notice that it proposes changes in allocations pertaining to the 2300 MHz BandDOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD NOTICE COMMENTS PN 2008-6 (Spectrum Notice 2300MHz)
October 9, 2008 Telecommunications Commission hereby gives notice that it proposes changes in allocations pertaining to the 3400-3600MHz band.DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD NOTICE COMMENTS Lime DOWNLOAD 15 Aug 2008 PN 2008-1 (Spectrum Notice 3400-3600Mhz)
September 25, 2008 The Commission has received an application from Cable and Wireless (TCI) Ltd. (C & W), for approval of a spectrum licence in the 700 MHz band.DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD NOTICE DOWNLOAD APPLICATION PN 2008-4 (C&W Application for 700Mhz)
August 20, 2008 The Commission has received an application from Digicel of Short Codes to be used to help support and promote a Digicel initiative to help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in Turks and Caicos. DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD... PN 2008-5(Digicel Application for short code)
July 16, 2008 The Commission received an application from Digicel seeking permission to utilize additional spectrum in the 2.3 and 3.5 GHz range DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD NOTICE COMMENTS C&W DOWNLOAD 15 August 2008 PN 2008-3(Digicel Application for RF in 2.3 and 3.5Ghz)