Application for Spectrum Licence

To Install and Operate in the Turks and Caicos Islands

Made under section 64 (2) (b) of the Telecommunication Ordinance 2004 and part 2 of the
Telecommunication and the Frequency Licensing Regulation 2005.

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Section I.

  1.  The Organization/Company name must be as officially registered. If personal application the applicant’s full
    name is required. All entries must be clearly legible and entered in indelible Ink.
  2. Where appropriate, the following information should be provided as an attachment to this application; full
    details of all Directors, Shareholders and Officers of the Company.
  3. The type of Network and or Services shall be described as the type of operation such as radio paging, taxi
    dispatch, radio amateur, etc. if the application is for an Amateur station notarized copies of qualification level
    and certification level and certification documentation must be attached.
  4.  The latitude and longitude information must me provided when the station is at a fixed location. The accuracy
    must base on a topographic map of not more than 1:50000 scale plus or minus 5 seconds of position. GPS
    location accuracy is sufficient. If the GPS location is not known an original or photocopy of the topographic
    map or Block and Parcel number should be attached to the application showing the site location.
  5. The station name must be the name of the nearest Island or Settlement in which the station and its operation
    use to be conducted.
  6. If the application is for mobile operation only specify the area of operations by area in Milles or Feet around
    the center of operation.

Section II.

  1.  Technical information in section II of this form is normally provided by the equipment supplier or installer.
    The information must be accurate and reliable.
  2. If the application consists of more than one frequency pair and the radio equipment is different for each
    frequency pair, attach details of the additional equipment to this application.
  3. If the application is for a complex system, including radio paging or network an application must be submitted
    for each station and the application must be accompanied by an engineering brief describing all relevant
    technical details of the construction.
  4. If the application is for a mobile station, specify the number of mobiles station associate with this frequency.
  5.  If the antenna is mounted on a radio tower on a rooftop specify the height of the tower and the height of the
    antenna from the rooftop, in Feet. If the antenna is mounted on a radio tower on a hill specify the height of
    the tower and the height of the antenna above ground, in Feet.
  6. If the antenna is located on a building on a rooftop specify the height of the building above ground, in Feet.
  7. The ground elevation, above mean sea level (AMSL) can be obtained from a topographic map of the station

Guidance Notes

These Guidance Notes listed below have been included to highlight and remind applicants of key requirements that must be satisfied prior to submission of the completed forms. However, note that on the application forms, the instructions given are specific to the licence that is being applied for, and so applicants are advised to take heed.

  1. An official letter should be addressed to the Chairman of the Commission, describing the full and detail the type of network and or services to be operated and installed within the TCI.
  2. Application forms should be completed in triplicate (3 copies), unless otherwise specified.
  3. The last part of the application form is the Declaration, where the applicant affirms the accuracy of the information submitted on the application form by affixing his or her signature. NOTE: The signatures inserted in the Declaration section must be original on all copies of the application forms submitted to the Commission.
  4. The completed application form must be accompanied by the appropriate application fee, payable to the TCI Telecommunications Commission.( please note the applications fee is nonrefundable)
  5. Each copy of the application form must have attached the required documentation and any additional information that the applicant may wish to provide, which cannot fit into the space provided on the forms.
  6. The applicant should indicate which, if any, information provided in the application is confidential.
  7. It is advisable to include a summary sheet that itemizes all of the documents that are being
    submitted, including attachments.
  8. It is stressed that ALL sections and questions on the application form must be completed, and in the event that certain questions do not apply, it is strongly advised that some indication to that effect (such as “Not Applicable ”, “N/A ”) should be given.

Submission Instruction

Send your completed application form to:
Chairman of the Turks and Caicos Islands Telecommunications Commission
P.O. Box 203
872 Business Solutions Building
Leeward Highway, Providenciales
Telephone: 649 946-1900
Fax: 649 946-1119