ANNUAL REPORT -2012-2014

During the period the Commission was able to tackle some major challenges in the industry as it completed consultations on matters such as the 700 MHz Spectrum Licensing, Number Portability, LIME’s request for deregulation of its Fixed Line services, and Rate Review of Interconnection charges by the Carriers. Our staff…

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During the year the Commission was able to tackle some major challenges in the industry as it began consultations on matters such as the 700 MHz Spectrum Licensing, Number Portability, and LIME’s request for deregulation of its Fixed Line services. Our staff labored on these issues and the industry will…

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Annual Report – 2010 -2011

During the past year, we have benefited from training in Telecommunications Regulation from the world-class institution, Public Utility Research Center (PURC) that is associated with the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. In June the remaining Commissioners attended and completed their basic telecommunications regulatory training and the Commission has undergone…

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