In this Decision, the Turks and Caicos Islands (“TCI”) Telecommunications Commission (the “Commission”) establishes a licensing policy for the 700 MHz spectrum band in TCI (the “700 MHz Policy”).
In this Decision, the Turks and Caicos Islands (“TCI”) Telecommunications Commission (the “Commission”) establishes a licensing policy for the 700 MHz spectrum band in TCI (the “700 MHz Policy”).
The Commission’s 700 MHz Policy takes into account the policy objectives of the Government’s Telecommunications Policy for the Turks and Caicos Islands 2003, the Telecommunications Ordinance 2004, the Frequency Management Regulations 2005 along with the frequency allocations set out in the 2011 Turks and Caicos Islands Table of Frequency Allocations 88 MHz to 59 GHz. In addition, the Commission also took into account interested parties’ submissions on 700 MHz spectrum policy matters provided over the course of two public consultation processes.
A key objective of the Commission’s 700 MHz Policy is to promote the timely deployment of 4G Long-Term Evolution (“LTE”) mobile broadband technology for the benefit of consumers and businesses in TCI.
The Commission’s 700 MHz Policy largely reflects the Commission’s proposals set out in its Second 700 MHz Spectrum Policy Consultation Document (the “Second Consultation Document”) which was issued 29 May 2012. The details and rationale for the 700 MHz Policy are described in the main body of this Decision.