Over the course of the last year, the Turks & Caicos Islands (“TCI”) Telecommunications Commission (the “Commission”) conducted a comprehensive review of the continued need to regulate the prices of the retail fixed services provided by Cable & Wireless (TCI) Limited (“LIME”). These services included LIME’s residential and business fixed local access services, domestic and international fixed calling services as well as domestic and international private leased circuit services provided to business and government customers.
Based on the market data and information collected and evaluated during the course of this proceeding, the Commission has decided to forbear from regulating the vast majority of LIME’s retail fixed services, subject to the following conditions:
1) Residential Fixed Access: LIME must continue to provide stand-alone (basic) residential fixed access at a price no higher than the current rate of $20 per month, with the associated installation fee also capped at the current rate level.
2) Business Fixed Access: LIME must continue to provide stand-alone (basic) business fixed access at a price no higher than the current rate of $45 per month, with the associated installation fee also capped at the current rate level.
3) Domestic Calling: LIME must continue to provide a stand-alone (basic) fixed calling service at prices no higher than the current rate of 15¢/minute for fixed-to-fixed calls and (as of 31 March 2013) 30.75¢/minute for fixed-to-mobile calls.
The forbearance rulings adopted by the Commission in this Decision come into effect on 1st April 2013. The Commission intends to review the three above-noted forbearance conditions no later than 1 April 2017.
For a complete copy of the decision, please download document below: