The Telecommunications Commission (the “Commission”) is hereby initiating a consultation process to review domestic voice-related interconnection rate levels in the Turks and Caicos Islands (“TCI”), including the mobile termination rate (“MTR”), fixed termination rate (“FTR”) and transit rates (“TR”). This process constitutes the Commission’s third review of interconnection rates in TCI. The licensed operators who are directly affected by and, therefore, considered parties to this consultation process are Cable & Wireless (TCI) Ltd (“Flow”) and Digicel (TCI) Ltd (“Digicel”). The Commission invites interested parties to provide their input and comments.
The filing deadlines for Initial Responses and Reply Responses are as follows:
Initial Responses must be received by the Commission no later than 3:30 p.m. local time on Monday, March 23, 2020.
Reply Responses must be received by the Commission no later than 3:30 p.m. local time on Monday, April 6, 2020.
Responses to this Consultation Document may be submitted to one or more of the following addresses:
a) E-mail to:
b) Delivery (paper and electronic copy) by hand or by courier to:
Mr. Kenva Williams,
Director General
Turks and Caicos Islands Telecommunications Commission
Business Solutions Complex, Leeward Highway
Turks and Caicos Islands