On 17 September 2012, the Turks and Caicos Islands (“TCI”) Telecommunications Commission (the “Commission”) issued Telecommunications Decision 2012-7, the 700 MHz Spectrum Policy Decision (the “”Decision””). Among other things, the Decision established a two-stage licence assignment process. The first stage was established to solicit expressions of interest for designated 700 MHz spectrum blocks from eligible applicants. If excess or overlapping demand was found to exist, the Commission would then undertake the second “”comparative selection”” stage of the licensing process.
The first stage of this process was initiated on 17 October 2012 when the Commission issued its First Call for Applications (“”First CFA””). Interested parties were required to file responses to the First CFA on or before 31 October 2012. The Commission received several responses to the First CFA and has found, as described below, that there is excess and overlapping demand for certain specific 700 MHz spectrum blocks. Consequently, the Commission is initiating the second stage of the licensing process with this Second Call for Applications (“”Second CFA””).
Eligible parties intending to provide a response to this Second CFA should ensure that they are fully familiar with the Commission’s 700 MHz spectrum policy as set out in the Decision. This Second CFA should be read in conjunction with the Decision and the First CFA.