Commission Decisions 2011
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DN 2011-7 Spectrum Licences and Fees
COMMISSION DECISIONFrom the inception of the Telecommunications Commission all licenses were recommended by the Commission to the Minister for approval, and the Attorney General Chambers used one licence document the “Telecommunications and Spectrum Licence” to...
Read MoreSeptember 21, 2011DN 2011-6 Apollo Communications Ltd. – Application for License to Provide Internet Services
COMMISSION DECISIONOn May 6, 2011, the Commission received an (ISP) application from Apollo Communications Ltd. (Apollo), seeking permission to begin offering wireless Internet services. On May 9, 2011, the Commission published TCITC Public Notice 2011-9,...
Read MoreSeptember 21, 2011DN 2011-5 Cancellation of Commercial Broadcast FM Spectrum License
COMMISSION DECISIONTCI Telecommunications Commission (‘the Commission”) advises that the following Spectrum License has been cancelled effective April 6, 2011 in accordance with Section 52(1) of the Telecommunications Ordinance 2004.
Read MoreApril 28, 2011DN 2011-2 (Mobile Termination Rate Review)
COMMISSION DECISIONThe Telecommunications Commission (the “Commission”) has determined that reductions in the current MTR of US $0.15 per minute in TCI should be phased in over the course of three years, such that the MTR...
Read MoreJanuary 24, 2011